Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, DC Comics | Tagged: Daniel Sampere, ptintwatch, Tom King, vaseline, wonder woman
Last week’s Wonder Woman #1 by Tom King, Daniel Sampere and Tomeu Morey hit with a bang, and DC have announced a second printing
Last week’s Wonder Woman #1 by Tom King, Daniel Sampere and Tomeu Morey hit with a bang, and DC Comics have already announced a second printing with a new cover from DC Publisher and CCO Jim Lee.
This is intended to provide a middle section for two previous covers by Jim Lee for Superman and Batman comics, over the decades.
With everyone in celebration mode, it seems the details of one celebration were missed. One Roliver Queen Xtweeted the following after picking up the comic book in question. “Got my copy of Wonder Woman issue 1. Stoked to reread on floppy Much love to @TomKingTK @Sampere_art @tomeu_morey”
The post was liked by both Tom King and Daniel Sampere. Who might not have seen that the photo of Wonder Woman #1 included some vaseline, lube and condoms. The suggestion being that that Roliver’s enjoyment of the comic may have been from a different perspective.
you’re darn tootin’ , also known as Orb, also known as adult comics art creator Chromed Cheeks, Xtweeted “hey @TomKingTK @Sampere_art I don’t usually @ creators directly but as a female fan- endorsing this kind of misogynistic “joking” with likes is nauseating and inappropriate. If you want your creative works to be taken seriously please don’t.” Which also was an excuse to for some to remind people that Tom King is former CIA.
Daniel Sampere Xtweeted in response, “Receiving hundreds of messages in few minutes can be overwhelming. I made a mistake by hitting like on an awful twitt without realizing it. I deeply apologize if anyone has felt offended by that. I’m sad because we really want you to feel proud of our new WW run. I absolutely condemn any kind of misogyny. I find it disgusting. We chose to do WW because we love her, we respect her and we want to do the best-run posible. I feel just like a guy doing comics, I realized my acts can hurt people, even if it’s by accident. I’ll be more careful.” Tom King replied “Exactly this”
It could have been worse, I suppose, they could have liked a Bleeding Cool post. Mark Brooks added “I understand rapid fire “liking” dozens or hundreds of replies. We do it to show appreciation to fans and rarely pay close attention to the image as much as we should. That post is gross and offensive. There’s no excuse, it’s gross.”
Roliver Queen has his own Wonder Woman response…

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